Lady Luck Quilts is hosting a class on collage quilting in March, and I thought it would be an excellent place to start.
I was playing around with my scraps looking for ways to use them up and I combined them with a New York Beauty block by using foundation paper piecing. I sort of had a hard time finding a free pattern for this block. It probably shouldn't have been hard to find but, there it is.
I ended up copying this jpg. and pasting into word then dragging the corners until it was the size I wanted. I printed it on regular printer paper and watched a quick youtube tute on how to paper piece, and I was off to the races!
The NY NY pieces turned into an inspiration for the #7 quilt design called NY Mandala

For example; A couple of days ago I was furious that someone "stole" one of my design elements. There are so many quilters and artists out there that there is a high degree of repetition that I need to chill out about. It is part of the learning process of getting your work out there. Don't get me wrong I am still going to do what feels right for me at the time, but I am going to sit back a little more, be a little more humble, and enjoy the process for myself.
If you want to watch follow me on Instagram or join in yourself! It is a really good challenge.
Untuil next time my friends, stay humble
Linking with Off the Wall Friday, Can I get a Whoop Whoop, Finished or Not Friday