This time I am just pushing the publish button and hope you enjoy this list of what inspires me, stresses me, entertains me and distracts me in my sewing room on a daily basis.
1. Post Punk Circus

2. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
I need to choose a quilting pattern for it. Roll up my sleeves, switch feet and get to it.
3. Pink in the Series of Three
This is a client quilt that needs "backing quilting and binding" - (this is the song of my people, you know who you are)
4. Birds in the Series of Three
I haven't even started this one! eek! it is a client quilt too. The same client as above.
5. Swoon in the Series of Three
This one is getting good! I am resisting the urge to desperately want to keep this one. I keep encouraging myself that I can make another one if I really want one.
6. Wild Child
waiting for a good thing is hard and not every client can do it so now I get to gift this one or keep it all for myself.
My Dear Client has been waiting ever so long for this one. Perhaps I need to take a couple of days from everything shut the door order pizza for all meals and get this stuff done!
8. Kimono
Um, This one is super old and is starting to feel embarrassing.
Finish it Sarah! Finish it.
Maybe my list is too long... I am getting all angsty just writing about all these "loose ends" I am even starting to call them derogatory names! like loose ends (sob)
But I am stubborn and addicted, so I introduce to you,
9. Jeweled Box Stars
this is a leader and ender challenge with Bonnie Hunter. I am doing the traditional pattern instead of the flipped version that Bonnie created.
That's it for me today friends, Until next time, Stay angsty,