I upcycle, I do. It fills me with a satisfaction knowing that I have taken something outdated and unwanted and turned it into something more enjoyable. Yesterday I basted Rohen's finished quilt top to an upcycled bedspread. My basting process is probably different than yours, but maybe not. maybe there is an underground movement of phase basters. yes, that is what I am calling it: Phase Basting.
Phase Basting is where the quilt top and the backing is secured to the batting separately. I baste like this because I am impatient, mostly and because I am very limited on space. I live in a Canadian post-war shotgun house with a teenager a 5-year-old a husband, a puppy and a medium-sized lab-mut.
I did come across a lady who was using an ironing board to baste her quilts as she was also short on space and I think that I started with that method then moved to the floor with quilting pins.
Phase Basting allows me to work on the back side of the quilt; being short on space I basically use the back as a design wall! lol
I may be taking a break from this one as I am getting a little sick of looking at it. I've joined Quilty 365! and I am very excited about that!
I am linking with Finished or not Friday
cheers for now,