Hi! and Welcome! Thank you for visiting my blog. I am participating in this years #2017 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop hosted by some fantastic folks that I met here on the internet! This Is the week I get to tell you about me...
I am a new quilter and a new blogger, so I am new. New like: I don't know all of the rules yet, new.
I am going to let you in, I am going to pour some tea, and I am going to spill it, my guts, not the tea, silly.
Scrap quilting and large applique seem to be my thing. I have values that hold close to the upcycling, recycling, responsible eco thrifty and traditional quilting values.
I think it is in my Blood
My mom used to make her own clothes in the 70's. Lovey caftans, with vibrant prints and colors, could be found in the trunk in the basement. I wore these treasures in my teens (90's) with a reverence for free spiritedness.
Upcycling and recycling are very important to me.
I adore the roots of quilting where it was about making the best of what was available. I care about the environment and the people who make our textiles. I want to live a conscious life and I want to contribute as much or more as I take. (I am such a girl guide [eye roll] )
I have found a few bloggers in the quilting community that share my values:
I adore
Kaja's philosophy and style at
Sew Slowly her improv ad-hoc utility quilting inspires freedom and makes me feel like I can breathe.
Jo Avery from My Bearpaw who wrote this post about the
Green Quilting Movement.
Blair Stocker at Wisecraft just wrote a book about upcycling in quilts! and
Debbie at a Q
uilters table wrote an introductory post about it.
If you are interested in the upcycle aspect of quilting, I would love to connect!
The 9658 Brand
I know that some people are curious about the name 9658 Textiles. The 9658 is a brand of sorts that started with my 9658 Honey products. My husband and I make honey in our back yard and on a woodlot in Ft Assiniboine, Alberta Canada.
9658 is my house number; 9658 is the house brand. So when you come over and I have perfected the rhubarb wine recipe, I will pour you a glass of the 9658 house wine, then send you home with a jar of the house jam or pickles, and a bunch of the house cut flowers, you will be taking home a little bit of 9658 with you.
So far on my blog, you can find my textile pursuits such as rug hooking tutorials, finished rugs and my crochet work.
I have just started this blogging journey and It is great to have you along. It has really turned into so much more than I thought it would. Follow me on my Journey who knows what we will learn together!
My hive is hosted by Beth at
Cooking up Quilts
And the other two hives are hosted by Leanne at
She Can Quilt and Yvonne at
Quilting Jetgirl. Check out my blog mates hives for cool stuff and giveaways
Stay crafty my quilty friends.
Until next time,