Monday, September 18, 2017

Quilting | Sagittarius Strings

Do you remember this guy?  It has been growing up! I have been adding to it! I had a whole stack and I did not know what I was going to do with them... :(         I had Quilters Block... haha, 

Until Simbi! have you guys heard of Simbi

It is a community where you can trade services and goods with other people. You can trade for Simbi credits that you can use to get other services. Neat right?! 

Check out Simbi! 

I love sharing my work with other people but I have always been uncomfortable selling it for cash. Trading for a service or product is more valuable to me than money.  

The Tale of the Sagittarius Strings: 

A girl on Simbi was looking for a blanket for her twin bed and I thought of the stack of strings waiting to be quilted up. I can do that! I love making blankets! so I started sewing all of those stripy blocks together.  

I looked up her profile on Simbi to see what types of things she likes and I found out that her favorite color is RAINBOW!!!!  

I was just thinking of making a rainbow blanket the other day! I didn't have a use for one so I put it out of my mind. I now have my chance to make something that someone needs and appreciates. 

Eliora is also a Sagittarius and I am hoping to use it in the design somewhere. (I love zodiac themed design) I hope you like it so far Eliora :) 

Until next time - Stay bartering my friends

I am linking with Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt and Oh Scrap! 


  1. I hope Eliora likes your quilt. :) Bartering, in good faith is so much more friendly and healthy than cold hard cash.

    1. Hi Dione, When i last spoke with her she "literally could not stop smiling" lol. I think it made her very happy!

  2. Bartering does sound like a good plan. I've never heard of Simbi before. And your quilt looks wonderful. Scrap quilts are always my favorites.


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