Friday, October 6, 2017

Quilting | Q4, Monsters and Lions and Diamonds Oh My!

I have had a lot on the go. I bet you guys didn't know that. I am going to show you all what I have been working on (winky face). I will show you what occupies my time and the back room as we call it.

1. This awesome Over the Rainbow blanket
Which is almost done.

The Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds Quilt 
Needs more HST's but is coming along nicely

Flying out of my Sewing Room Geese

I have several more rows waiting to be attached to this. 

I Did the Monster Mash 

3 1/2'' squares need I say more... except I think it needs more punch, more color, more je ne ses quoi. 

Things look so different in pictures. I work in a really small space so I don't get to see it layed out much. 

Maybe I should join One Monthly Goal and have things like: Make lighting station, Make design wall, Cut up stash.... lol I don't know, it sounds ambitious. I am looking at going back to night classes and well, there won't be room or time for the fabric in my head. (yes I probably have fabric in my head, it's everywhere else) 

Until then, stay clever my friends. 

Linking up with FALQ4 and Finished or not Friday 

shecanquiltFinished or Not Friday at Busy Hands Quilts

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Quilting | The Cabin Blanket

Hi, I finished a quilt. The name changed, the design changed, the purpose changed.... sigh, ART. It is now simple pretty and useful. How wonderful is that!

The cabin blanket that was I making a lot of scrappy HST's for; It is finished! This thing was going to be a duvet cover!?!! what was I thinking?! hahaha you can read about in the link above.

I was not sure If I was going to make it with a symmetrical border or not. I decided not and I worked fantastically! This snuggly cutie has been claimed by my fiance. lol. The blanket and me I guess.

It is so soft and snuggly

It has simple quilting that shows on the back and I love this one more than I planned. Most of the fabrics are from my mom's friend and the annual church fabric sale. 

 It has truly grown on me. Its funny how quilts do that

Linked to em's scrapbag
Thank you for leaving me messages. I have been replying to ya'll on the blog and I am pretty sure the blog doesn't send you the reply. I will be starting to reply from my gmail as of now. I look forward to chatting with you all soon. If you would rather send me an email I am at