Friday, March 16, 2018

Quilting | #30quiltdesignchallenge2018

Hi Everyone, I have been busy participating in the design challenge hosted on Instagram by Sandra at mmmquilts. 

This challenge is harder than I thought!  The challenge is to create 30 quilt designs in 90 days. It doesn't sound too bad right.

Here are my quilt designs 1-16 from the challenge.

I have learned so much about my style, pattern tools, color, not to mention the techniques that will be used to put together the quilt. I am a fairly new quilter 3 years? but I have been sewing since I was really little.

I am still trying to find my own style of quilting so, I tried using quilting apps for the pictures below that I call Double Irish Granny and Ohio Grannies, perhaps the name indicates how I felt about these patterns. lol. 

I have started making some of the designs. one of them I designed for a commission and the other I am making for a challenge. You could say that the need to create a particular quilt drives the quilt design. 


Because I wasn't enjoying the process of designing on the quilting apps I tried drawing a tile and using a collage maker to rotate and repeat the tiles to make the above and below patterns. I really enjoyed this process because It allowed me to use the Low Fi pen and paper coupled with the High Fi computer technology. 


I only have 15 more days for 14 more designs by April 30th. I know that by then I am going to wonder and perhaps hope that the deadline was an April Fools Day joke...

Wish me luck and let me know which one you like the best! and until next time friends, stay curious

If you want to follow my progress on Instagram here is the link

Linking with Off the Wall Friday 
Finish it up Friday @ Crazy Mom Quilts 
Finished or not Friday @ Busy Hands Quilts 

Monday, March 5, 2018

Quilting | AHIQ Post Punk Circus

Hi! I have been waiting to show you all this! My progress on the Post Punk Circus. Last night I measured the horozantal strips of large diamonds and started taping paper together to draw the ballgown on. I wanted a bit of a pattern for the structure of the peiced hexagons so I could see where to add the next one. I dont have a design wall so I have to work on a flat surface and do the quilt in peices.

I usually only draw half of the pattern if the design is semetrical then fold over the paper to get an even shape. All of the hexagons are machine peiced because I can and I am pretty impatient. I think I have the knack of getting the Y seams down. It is pretty easy if you leave enough room in the joins.

Once I finished peicing all of the white and off white diamonds for the upper half of the background, I was not happy. Maybe I need to iorn them out, but being a newer quilter I went about putting them together a little willy-nilly and the peice did not come out straight. Iron, trim, iron, add more, iron, may be my process to fix them.

I am holding myself back from the fussy cutting for the ginormus hair stack on this lady untuil the gown is done and I start working my way up this quilt.

I am so impatient with wanting this quilt to come together! aggh!

I cant wait to show you all the parts together.

Untuil next time friends, stay punk.


Linking with Kaja's AHIQ Playing Wth Scale challange, Monday Making and Move it Forward Monday, and SillyMamaQuilts  , Esters blog WOW link up  , and Julie lou


Thank you for leaving me messages. I have been replying to ya'll on the blog and I am pretty sure the blog doesn't send you the reply. I will be starting to reply from my gmail as of now. I look forward to chatting with you all soon. If you would rather send me an email I am at