Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Quilting | Cabin HST the Duvet Cover Quilt

This is the Cabin HST. I think it needs to be bigger! lol.

The fiance wants me to make more scrappy HST's to fill it out.

I have a confession: I laid out the design and stacked the squares, numbered them, sewed them together in rows and sewed the rows together... in the wrong order. :/

I think I am going to leave it.

And I am thinking something different than more HST's around the edges. Something that mimics the placement on the bed if you know what I am meaning.

Yes, that is my side of the bed, I am alway freezing cold at night and pile on the blankets... on my side. 
It may be ok to leave it this size so it can just cover me on my side of the bed. 

But, it would be nice to create a cover for that duvet though. That counts as quilting right? a duvet cover quilt?  

In the meantime, I am just going to make some more of these with my 1" - 1.5" scraps and sort through my epic church sale fabric score! (post and pics to come) 

Stay thrifty my friends, until next time,


Linking with
Move it along Monday and Monday Making

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Quilting | I Had A Dream

I have a vision! I really want it to come to fruition. It is the darker side of me, the sinister side even.

First I need your help though. I can't decide chaos or order?  I have recently been intrigued by the  Milliefor La Passacaglia quilts. I am not sure if that is something I will ever be able to do or not. I do like the stack n whack technique where you layer prints and cut a multiple of the same print to create a kaleidoscope type design. I don't have too many scraps that can meet this criterion though. So I have a bit of a dilemma, this is the trick with scrappy thrift fabric.  Chaos or order?

I am trying to create a fabric for another element of the quilt. So the design created by the hexies will not be throughout the whole quilt but cover a large portion of it. I think that I like the order made by the hexies of the same size together. I may not have enough of the same size, because...

I hate wasting fabric, and I feel that the hexies and fussy cutting are wasting a lot. The problem just might be me being a noob with the cutting though. My solution... is to cut EVEry SiZe of hexies! (said while throwing my hands up in the air and crossing my eyes)... It may be a mistake...

I have been saving my black pieces which vary in size and values. Most of my fabric has been given to me from my mom's friend, pieces of clothing, sheets or sometimes scraps from Etsy.

The Story of the Angry German
Duvet covers offer a fantastic yardage for the price in thrift shops. Once I was scoping out fabric at a thrift store, and an Amish girl beside me was talking on her cellphone angrily in German.We had both checked out the same black duvet cover, but she was too distracted to be shopping, and the wonderful yardage became mine. * that made her even angrier though, so I got out of there faster than my automatic needle threader on three cups of coffee. ( not funny I know, I tried, I will work on it ) but seriously, I was kind of, a little bit scared.

I can't wait to share this vision that is taking place! This one is full of challenges, and I love the ride.

until next time: Stay challenged my friends


Linked with

Needle and Thread ThursdaySew Fresh Quilts

Monday, April 17, 2017

Quilting | Better Bloggers Hive

 Hi! and Welcome! Thank you for visiting my blog. I am participating in this years #2017 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop hosted by some fantastic folks that I met here on the internet!  This Is the week I get to tell you about me...

I am a new quilter and a new blogger, so I am new. New like: I don't know all of the rules yet, new.

I am going to let you in, I am going to pour some tea, and I am going to spill it, my guts, not the tea, silly.

Scrap quilting and large applique seem to be my thing. I have values that hold close to the upcycling, recycling, responsible eco thrifty  and traditional quilting values.

I think it is in my Blood

My mom used to make her own clothes in the 70's. Lovey caftans, with vibrant prints and colors, could be found in the trunk in the basement. I wore these treasures in my teens (90's) with a reverence for free spiritedness.

Upcycling and recycling are very important to me.
 I adore the roots of quilting where it was about making the best of what was available. I care about the environment and the people who make our textiles. I want to live a conscious life and I want to contribute as much or more as I take. (I am such a girl guide [eye roll] )

I have found a few bloggers in the quilting community that share my values: 
I adore Kaja's philosophy and style at  Sew Slowly her improv ad-hoc utility quilting inspires freedom and makes me feel like I can breathe.
Jo Avery from My Bearpaw who wrote this post about the Green Quilting Movement.
Blair Stocker  at Wisecraft just wrote a book about upcycling in quilts! and Debbie at a Quilters table wrote an introductory post about it.
If you are interested in the upcycle aspect of quilting, I would love to connect!

The 9658 Brand
I know that some people are curious about the name 9658 Textiles. The 9658 is a brand of sorts that started with my 9658 Honey products. My husband and I make honey in our back yard and on a woodlot in Ft Assiniboine, Alberta Canada.

9658 is my house number;  9658 is the house brand. So when you come over and I have perfected the rhubarb wine recipe, I will pour you a glass of the 9658 house wine, then send you home with a jar of the house jam or pickles, and a bunch of the house cut flowers, you will be taking home a little bit of 9658 with you.

So far on my blog, you can find my textile pursuits such as rug hooking tutorials, finished rugs and my crochet work.

I have just started this blogging journey and It is great to have you along. It has really turned into so much more than I thought it would. Follow me on my Journey who knows what we will learn together!

My hive is hosted by  Beth at Cooking up Quilts

And the other two hives are hosted by Leanne at She Can Quilt and Yvonne at Quilting Jetgirl. Check out  my blog mates hives for cool stuff and giveaways

Stay crafty my quilty friends.

Until next time,

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Rug Hooking | How to Dye Wool

This post is for a friend of mine over at BizarreQuilter who is interested in the rug hooking. 

I have only been dying my own wool at home for a little while. I learned the techniques from some very talented ladies at my local rug hooking guild. I will humbly show you what I have learned from them.

Lately I have been working on a cute little alien called Moog. I needed some green wool to continue on with my Moog rug so I ordered some pro chem wash fast Acid Dye in Spearmint 723 Green and dyed up some wool in the exact shade I needed.

The guild purchases their Pro Chem dyes from Ragg Tyme Studio. you could get them there or buy them from your preferred source. 

I used about a quarter meter of some unbleached wool cloth that I had purchased for dying my own shades, but you can use any type of wool you would like. 

Part One - The Washing

You will need to soak the wool in a light detergent for about half and hour. Gently poke it down and swish around to make sure you are getting all of the wool we, then leave it to sit. This process gets rid of chemicals left behind from manufacturing and it opens up the follicles in the wool to make it accepting of the dye. 

*Note*   Agitation + detergent + extreme temperature change = wet felting. We aren't wet felting so let's go easy on our wool cloth. Sometimes you will want to butch up your wool, and in this case, I would go ahead and use the formula to felt it a bit. 

Part Two - Mixology the Art 

While the wool is soaking, boil a couple of cups of water for mixing the dye in. Make sure all containers used with dye are not used for eating or drinking in again. I use a plastic 1L yogurt container to mix my dyes in 

I measured out a tiny bit of dye and added it to a cup and a half of boiled water.... 

I dye without exact measurements because I find the process very flexible; if I don't get the shade I want then I just add more and adjust the length of time the wool is in the dye bath.

 If you want to recreate the same color in a different batch you can record your process and try the measurements next time.

Part Three - Rinse, Heat, and Dye 

Once the wool has been washed and rinsed we will put the  wool in a pot of warm water that just covers the wool on the stove and turn on the heat to a low heat (almost a simmer but never over) 

Add the dye mixture to the pot with your wool; you can add it however you like. Adding it directly to the wool fabric will give a very strong color in that area and adding it to the water will give you a more even color throughout. To add it to the water just move your fabric over a little and stir in with your stick. You can swish the fabric around or you can just leave it still. It is up to you and the affect you are desire.

Part Four - Add Acid, Wait and Assess

After the wool has been soaking up the dye for about 40 mins add 1/2 cup vinegar (the acid of the acid dye technique) while the dye bath is on the heat.  You will probably be able to see the water clearing up before your eyes (its pretty neat). Let the dye bath sit on the heat for another half an hour or until all of the dye is taken up by the wool. You can repeat the adding color and vinegar until you have something you like.

Part Five: The Cool Down and Dry Off 

When you get the color you like just turn off the heat and let the temperature come down slowly; a sharp change in temperature by washing in cold water can cause the wool to felt.  Some people wash/ rinse their wool to get rid of the vinegar smell but I don't wash it after. You can check the color fastness by rinsing but I usually trust the dyes I am using. 

After the wool fabric is dyed it can be cut into strips for rug hooking. I will show you some pictures in the next post: Cutting Wool Fabric for Rug Hooking.

If you have comments or questions feel free to leave them below. I try to respond to everyone.


Saturday, April 8, 2017

Quilting | FAL Q2 Proposed Finishes

Hi! I am participating in the 2017 Finish Along Hosted by She Can Quilt . It has really been helping me to stay organized with my projects and hold me a little bit accountable. The first quarter went pretty good, but the second quarter is going to be even better! Below is a list of my projects for this quarter. Have a look, hope you enjoy!

1. Kimono - I started this for Jen's birthday. It just needs the trim and maybe an adjustment around the arms; It fits funny

2. Rohen's Improv - I need some quality time with this one to try out some different arrangements to balance it out.

3. Rohen's a Big Star - I need to find a backing and batting and deliver to my lovely nephew.

3. Scona 2016 Championships or 2017 season - I have the lion motif cut out and the complementing fabrics, this one shouldn't take too long

7. Star Map: aka Matthews constellation quilt - I have printed out the pattern and will get it on the top for some hand quilting

8. Cabin HST - I think I have all of the triangles cut out and sewn together in squares. Now for the placement and piecing them together. I am sure I can finish this one in this quarter.

I am so excited about this quarters finishes now that I know how this all works! 

Have fun friends and enjoy the process


I am linking to she can quilts #2017FALQ2


Monday, April 3, 2017

Quilting | Rohen's Improv Battle Cry!

I am working on this fantastic improv back piece for Rohen's star quilt. All of the fabric that went into the top is used up on the back, along with scraps and general treasures from my stash.

My son said that it could use some brighter pieces, so I pulled some scraps from my stash and sewed together in mostly stacks. This quilt was begun during the AHIQ Chinese coins challenge and the improv backing is my tribute to that tradition.

Improv quilting is hard! You would think that it would be easy to just pull a color pallet and start putting all your squares and motif tricks together to build a quilt. Hmmm. Not so easy for this beginner.

I need to rearrange these blocks/pieces. It makes me a bit crazy looking at it. like I need to reach in a move things around!

I did contemplate just doing a simple backing for Rohen's quilt because I think it would be more comfortable to snuggle under.

It looks like this will become a top of its own! Back to the design wall! Back to the Backings! Quick find some Batting! Hear the battle cry of a quilters charge! (hahah, my mom would be proud she likes battle cries)

I am linking with Sew Slowly's AHIQ and Moving it Forward Monday.


Quilting | Your Grandmothers Quilt

I finished your grandmother's quilt! I cut it up, I  added pieces of me; clothing of my dear friends and myself. 

I added borders, and I added a worn yellow flannel backing, fluffy filling and a scrappy binding. This quilt is home. 

It makes me feel like a little girl, It makes me smile, and it makes me proud. This sweet quilt is lovely, it was sewn with love.

I am linking with AHIQ for the last Chinese Coins Linky, and Monday Making!

AHIQMonday Making

Stay lovely my friends and follow my blog. 


Thank you for leaving me messages. I have been replying to ya'll on the blog and I am pretty sure the blog doesn't send you the reply. I will be starting to reply from my gmail as of now. I look forward to chatting with you all soon. If you would rather send me an email I am at sarahsbusy@gmail.com