Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Rug Hooking| Guild Meeting

Rug Hooking

  I received the monthly meeting minutes from my local rug hooking guild this morning and wanted to share this amazing peice of work by a member that is no longer with us. Isn't it lovely!

sculpted mushrooms by the much-missed Aileen McHugh


  1. Sarah, thank you for introducing my to rug hooking! I admire the work, just beautiful!

    1. Thank you Paige! I am hoping to include some more posts on rug hooking soon. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


Thank you for leaving me messages. I have been replying to ya'll on the blog and I am pretty sure the blog doesn't send you the reply. I will be starting to reply from my gmail as of now. I look forward to chatting with you all soon. If you would rather send me an email I am at